For a shorter version, check out the Apologetics Intro Sessions here.
Is being a Christian intellectually reasonable?
Being a Christian is intellectually reasonable. In fact, the Christian worldview is more intellectually reasonable than atheism or any other worldview.
Being a Christian is intellectually reasonable. In fact, the Christian worldview is more intellectually reasonable than atheism or any other worldview.
Session 1: Everyone has a worldview
Session 2: The difference between possible and reasonable (with Wallace)
Session 3: Is Christianity reasonable?
Session 4: Are you convinced that Christianity is true? (with Timothy Keller)
Session 5: Brief outline why Christianity is true (with Frank Turek)
Session 6: Is there meaning to life?
Session 2: The difference between possible and reasonable (with Wallace)
Session 3: Is Christianity reasonable?
Session 4: Are you convinced that Christianity is true? (with Timothy Keller)
Session 5: Brief outline why Christianity is true (with Frank Turek)
Session 6: Is there meaning to life?
How can I know what is true?
Truth is knowable, and those who sincerely seek to know the truth will find it.
Truth is knowable, and those who sincerely seek to know the truth will find it.
Session 7: Who cares about truth?
Session 8: What is truth? (with Norm Geisler)
Session 9: Tolerance
Session 10: Relativism (with William Lane Craig)
Session 11: How can Jesus be the only way?
Session 8: What is truth? (with Norm Geisler)
Session 9: Tolerance
Session 10: Relativism (with William Lane Craig)
Session 11: How can Jesus be the only way?
Does God exist? What is the evidence?
The scientific and philosophical evidence is overwhelming: God exists. Moreover, from the Cosmological Argument we conclude that God is infinite, personal (he makes choices), timeless, immaterial, omnipresent, and unimaginably powerful. From the Teleological Argument we conclude that God is the purposeful designer. From the Moral Argument we conclude that God is morally pure and the source of all that is good and right. From these scientific and philosophical arguments for the existence of God, then, we have already determined much of the character of God. These characteristics are also the same as that of the God described in the Bible. Moreover It must be noted that of all the world religions in existence today, only one can be true because they all contradict each other. (It is of course logically possible that none of them are true). From what we have determined already about the character of God, we have narrowed it down to one of the monotheistic religions (Islam, Judaism, or Christianity).
Session 12: The Cosmological Argument
Session 13: Leibniz' Contingency Argument
Session 14: The Teleological Argument
Session 15: The Moral Argument
Session 16: The Ontological Argument
The scientific and philosophical evidence is overwhelming: God exists. Moreover, from the Cosmological Argument we conclude that God is infinite, personal (he makes choices), timeless, immaterial, omnipresent, and unimaginably powerful. From the Teleological Argument we conclude that God is the purposeful designer. From the Moral Argument we conclude that God is morally pure and the source of all that is good and right. From these scientific and philosophical arguments for the existence of God, then, we have already determined much of the character of God. These characteristics are also the same as that of the God described in the Bible. Moreover It must be noted that of all the world religions in existence today, only one can be true because they all contradict each other. (It is of course logically possible that none of them are true). From what we have determined already about the character of God, we have narrowed it down to one of the monotheistic religions (Islam, Judaism, or Christianity).
Session 12: The Cosmological Argument
Session 13: Leibniz' Contingency Argument
Session 14: The Teleological Argument
Session 15: The Moral Argument
Session 16: The Ontological Argument
Is the Bible trustworthy? What is the evidence?
Once it is shown that God exists beyond a reasonable doubt, the question is: what is God like? And if God exists, it then follows that miracles are possible. If God were to perform miracles, His miracles would be in accordance with his character (as described above): they would be a demonstration of his power for a loving purpose. In light of God’s character, it would be reasonable that God would choose to communicate to people, his creation (demonstrating his purpose for creating mankind, and demonstrating his love). It would also be reasonable that God would communicate to people through written Scriptures. Thankfully, we can then test such scriptures to see if they are historically reliable, internally consistent, etc. When we apply these tests to the Bible, the Old and New Testaments, we find that the Bible uniquely passes these tests! The Bible is also uniquely authenticated by miracles that are historically attested (even outside of the Bible). Through textual criticism we can know beyond a reasonable doubt that the Scriptures we have today are not corrupted from the ones originally written down (Manuscript Integrity). We also have strong evidence from eyewitnesses. There is abundant historical and archaeological corroboration for the reliability of the Bible. The Bible is also amazingly internally consistent, and there is ample evidence for its divine origin from prophetic evidence alone.
Miracles as evidence for revelation
Session 17: Are miracles possible? (with Norm Geisler on One Minute Apologist)
Session 18: Are miracles possible? (William Lane Craig)
Session 19: Are miracles possible? (with Frank Turek)
Session 20: What about miracles in other religions? (with Frank Turek)
Session 21: Why can't God give us miracles today so we'd know He exists? (with William Lane Craig)
Session 22: Do miracles happen today? (with John Piper)
Session 23: Do miracles still happen today? (with Sean McDowell)
Manuscript Integrity
Session 24: History of the Bible in 5 minutes
Session 25: Is the Bible reliable?
Session 26: Isn't the Bible full of errors? (with John Piper)
Session 27: Errors in the Bible? (with Frank Turek)
Session 28: Variants in the Bible and Biblical reliability (John Ankerberg)
Session 29: Biblical Variants (Lee Strobel)
Session 30: Can we trust the Bible?
Eyewitness Testimony
Session 31: Can we trust the eyewitnesses who wrote the Gospel accounts? (with J. Warner Wallace)
Session 32: Why we know the story of Jesus isn't a legend. (with J. Warner Wallace)
Session 33: The unintentional eyewitness support of the Gospels (with J. Warner Wallace)
Historical and Archaeological Corroboration
Session 34: The evidence from archeology, the case for Christ (with Lee Strobel)
Session 35: Are there historical documentations of Jesus outside the Bible? (with William Lane Craig)
Session 36: Is there proof outside of the Bible that Jesus existed?
Session 37: Archeology proves the Bible (10-minute video with multiple examples)
Internal Consistency
Session 38: How should we handle apparent Bible contradictions? (with One Minute Apologist)
Session 39: How do you make sense of contradictions in the Bible? (Veritas Forum) & Categories of problems with the Bible (Norm Geisler)
Session 40: Why is the Bible reliable? (with Tim Keller)
Session 41: What to say about Bible contradictions (with RC Sproul)
Session 42: The Bible is unreliable because it is full of errors - debunked
Prophetic Evidence
Session 43: Case for Christ fulfilling prophesies (with Lee Strobel)
Session 44: Why can Isaiah 53 refer ONLY to Christ?
Session 45: Old Testament prophesies about Jesus & link to 55 OT Prophesies Jesus fulfilled
Once it is shown that God exists beyond a reasonable doubt, the question is: what is God like? And if God exists, it then follows that miracles are possible. If God were to perform miracles, His miracles would be in accordance with his character (as described above): they would be a demonstration of his power for a loving purpose. In light of God’s character, it would be reasonable that God would choose to communicate to people, his creation (demonstrating his purpose for creating mankind, and demonstrating his love). It would also be reasonable that God would communicate to people through written Scriptures. Thankfully, we can then test such scriptures to see if they are historically reliable, internally consistent, etc. When we apply these tests to the Bible, the Old and New Testaments, we find that the Bible uniquely passes these tests! The Bible is also uniquely authenticated by miracles that are historically attested (even outside of the Bible). Through textual criticism we can know beyond a reasonable doubt that the Scriptures we have today are not corrupted from the ones originally written down (Manuscript Integrity). We also have strong evidence from eyewitnesses. There is abundant historical and archaeological corroboration for the reliability of the Bible. The Bible is also amazingly internally consistent, and there is ample evidence for its divine origin from prophetic evidence alone.
Miracles as evidence for revelation
Session 17: Are miracles possible? (with Norm Geisler on One Minute Apologist)
Session 18: Are miracles possible? (William Lane Craig)
Session 19: Are miracles possible? (with Frank Turek)
Session 20: What about miracles in other religions? (with Frank Turek)
Session 21: Why can't God give us miracles today so we'd know He exists? (with William Lane Craig)
Session 22: Do miracles happen today? (with John Piper)
Session 23: Do miracles still happen today? (with Sean McDowell)
Manuscript Integrity
Session 24: History of the Bible in 5 minutes
Session 25: Is the Bible reliable?
Session 26: Isn't the Bible full of errors? (with John Piper)
Session 27: Errors in the Bible? (with Frank Turek)
Session 28: Variants in the Bible and Biblical reliability (John Ankerberg)
Session 29: Biblical Variants (Lee Strobel)
Session 30: Can we trust the Bible?
Eyewitness Testimony
Session 31: Can we trust the eyewitnesses who wrote the Gospel accounts? (with J. Warner Wallace)
Session 32: Why we know the story of Jesus isn't a legend. (with J. Warner Wallace)
Session 33: The unintentional eyewitness support of the Gospels (with J. Warner Wallace)
Historical and Archaeological Corroboration
Session 34: The evidence from archeology, the case for Christ (with Lee Strobel)
Session 35: Are there historical documentations of Jesus outside the Bible? (with William Lane Craig)
Session 36: Is there proof outside of the Bible that Jesus existed?
Session 37: Archeology proves the Bible (10-minute video with multiple examples)
Internal Consistency
Session 38: How should we handle apparent Bible contradictions? (with One Minute Apologist)
Session 39: How do you make sense of contradictions in the Bible? (Veritas Forum) & Categories of problems with the Bible (Norm Geisler)
Session 40: Why is the Bible reliable? (with Tim Keller)
Session 41: What to say about Bible contradictions (with RC Sproul)
Session 42: The Bible is unreliable because it is full of errors - debunked
Prophetic Evidence
Session 43: Case for Christ fulfilling prophesies (with Lee Strobel)
Session 44: Why can Isaiah 53 refer ONLY to Christ?
Session 45: Old Testament prophesies about Jesus & link to 55 OT Prophesies Jesus fulfilled
Is Jesus God? Did he die and rise again? What is the evidence?
After accepting the Bible as a historically reliable text, its most important claim of all can be tested: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Again, there is ample evidence that Jesus Christ did, in fact, die and rise again. If Jesus really did die and rise again, this extraordinary miracle authenticates his claim to be God.
Evidence for the Historicity of the Resurrection of Christ
Session 46: Donall and Conall meet Richard Dawkins
Session 47: The Resurrection (with Gary Habermas)
Session 48: The Resurrection (with Mike Licona)
Session 49: What is the evidence Jesus rose from the dead? (with Sean McDowell)
Session 50: How strong is the historical evidence for the resurrection? (with William Lane Craig)
Session 51: Did the disciples lie about the resurrection? (with J Warner Wallace)
Session 52: Alternate theories about the resurrection proposed by secular scholars? (with William Lane Craig)
Session 53: What is the most rational conclusion of a resurrected Jesus? (with William Lane Craig)
Session 54: Did the New Testament writers invent the resurrection? (with Frank Turek on One Minute Apologist)
Jesus is God
Session 55: Who did Jesus think he was?
Session 56: Is Jesus God? (with GotQuestions.org)
Session 57: Did Jesus claim to be the Son of God? (with One Minute Apologist)
Session 58: Did Jesus actually claim to be God? (with Sean McDowell)
Session 59: Did Jesus think he was God? (with J Warner Wallace)
Session 60: Did Jesus claim to be God in the Gospels? (John Ankerberg Show)
After accepting the Bible as a historically reliable text, its most important claim of all can be tested: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Again, there is ample evidence that Jesus Christ did, in fact, die and rise again. If Jesus really did die and rise again, this extraordinary miracle authenticates his claim to be God.
Evidence for the Historicity of the Resurrection of Christ
Session 46: Donall and Conall meet Richard Dawkins
Session 47: The Resurrection (with Gary Habermas)
Session 48: The Resurrection (with Mike Licona)
Session 49: What is the evidence Jesus rose from the dead? (with Sean McDowell)
Session 50: How strong is the historical evidence for the resurrection? (with William Lane Craig)
Session 51: Did the disciples lie about the resurrection? (with J Warner Wallace)
Session 52: Alternate theories about the resurrection proposed by secular scholars? (with William Lane Craig)
Session 53: What is the most rational conclusion of a resurrected Jesus? (with William Lane Craig)
Session 54: Did the New Testament writers invent the resurrection? (with Frank Turek on One Minute Apologist)
Jesus is God
Session 55: Who did Jesus think he was?
Session 56: Is Jesus God? (with GotQuestions.org)
Session 57: Did Jesus claim to be the Son of God? (with One Minute Apologist)
Session 58: Did Jesus actually claim to be God? (with Sean McDowell)
Session 59: Did Jesus think he was God? (with J Warner Wallace)
Session 60: Did Jesus claim to be God in the Gospels? (John Ankerberg Show)
Is the Bible God's Word? What is the evidence?
If Jesus is God, then he must have been telling the truth when he consistently affirmed that the Bible is God's Word. It is therefore true, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Jesus is God in the flesh, the Bible is God’s Word, and Christianity is true.
Session 61: What makes the Bible so special? (with Sean McDowell)
Session 62: How did we get the Bible? (with 3-Minute Theology)
Session 63: How is the Bible divinely inspired? (with 3-Minute Theology)
Session 64: How is the bible God's Word? (with 3-Minute Theology)
Session 65: What would you say to a Christian who denies the inerrancy of Scripture? (with Pastor John MacArthur)
Session 66: How important is God's Word? (with John Piper)
If Jesus is God, then he must have been telling the truth when he consistently affirmed that the Bible is God's Word. It is therefore true, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Jesus is God in the flesh, the Bible is God’s Word, and Christianity is true.
Session 61: What makes the Bible so special? (with Sean McDowell)
Session 62: How did we get the Bible? (with 3-Minute Theology)
Session 63: How is the Bible divinely inspired? (with 3-Minute Theology)
Session 64: How is the bible God's Word? (with 3-Minute Theology)
Session 65: What would you say to a Christian who denies the inerrancy of Scripture? (with Pastor John MacArthur)
Session 66: How important is God's Word? (with John Piper)
How then shall we live?
The Christian worldview is a very intellectually satisfying worldview. Christians are convinced that it is the most intellectually satisfying worldview. Christians are also convinced that if these things are true (Jesus is God and the Bible is God’s Word), then real life is found in knowing God and seeking Him with passion and commitment. The Christian faith, then, is not just an intellectual agreement with facts; it is a complete surrender to a God who loves us and gave himself for us. It is the intellectual and volitional trust in the reality that God truly does love me.
Session 67: Do you believe it? Prove it! (with Francis Chan)
Cults and other religions are false.
In these session we briefly discuss other major cults and world religions, showing that they are false.
Session 68: What makes Christianity different from other religions?
Session 69: What about Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Jewish people? (John Piper)
Session 70: How do you talk with someone of anther faith? (Sean McDowell)
Session 71: What is a four-point case for Christianity? (Frank Turek on One Minute Apologist)
Session 72: What do Hindus believe? (One Minute Apologist)
Session 73: How does Buddhism differ from Christianity? (One Minute Apologist)
Session 74: What are the main beliefs of Islam? (One Minute Apologist)
Session 75: How to witness to a Jew. (One Minute Apologist)
Session 76: Are Jehovah’s Witnesses a cult? & Francis Chan meets some Jehovah's Witnesses.
Session 77: Are Mormons Christians? (One Minute Apologist) & Francis Chan and the Mormons
Session 78: The Scary History of Mormonism (Wretched)
Science and the Bible
Many people believe that science and the Bible contradict each other such that you can't rationally believe in both. There are many experts in various scientific fields, however, who are convinced otherwise. In these sessions we will look at scientific evidence that support the Biblical worldview.
Science and the Bible: Introduction
Session 79: Science and the Bible Intro (William Lane Craig)
Session 80: Science is anti-God? (Cross Examined)
Session 81: Top Christian scientist on science and faith (Veritas Forum)
Session 82: Has science made God obsolete?
Session 83: The New Atheists are not intellectually bright (William Lane Craig)
Evolution: is macroevolution consistent with the evidence?
Session 84: Did you know that a growing number of scientists doubt the Darwinian theory of evolution?
Session 85: Two irrefutable scientific facts that make evolution unscientific.
Session 86: Is evolution a viable option? (One Minute Apologist)
Session 87: Why would Richard Dawkins say that aliens created life?
Session 88: Does modern research support evolution? (One Minute Apologist)
Session 89: What was Darwin's doubt?
Session 90: Is Richard Dawkins really stumped?
Intelligent Design: Is Intelligent Design consistent with the evidence?
Session 91: The most Googled questions about the universe. (Stephen Meyer)
Session 92: What is Intelligent design? (Stephen Meyer)
Session 93: The problem with the origin of life. (Stephen Meyer)
Session 94: The most powerful argument for Intelligent Design: DNA (Stephen Meyer)
Session 95: The probability of a single protein forming by chance.
Session 96: If explanations for the origin of life have failed: what is left? (Stephen Meyer)
Session 97: Your body's molecular machines.
Session 98: Amazing Flagellum: Michael Behe and the revolution of Intelligent Design.
Session 99: Why does the complexity of DNA point to Intelligent Design?
Session 100: It is easier to falsify Intelligent Design than Darwinian Evolution (Michael Behe)
Session 101: What is the origin of digital information found in DNA? (Stephen Meyer)
Session 102: Is Intelligent Design a testable theory? (Stephen Meyer)
Session 103: The surprising limits of natural selection.
Session 104: Defining Irreducible Complexity (FrankTurek)
The Flood Part 1: An Historical Event
Session 105: Debunked: All those animals couldn't fit.
Session 106: Noah's flood and catastrophic plate tectonics.
The Flood Part 2: Is the Fossil Record Consistent with the Flood?
Session 107: Fossils and the Flood.
Session 108: The Fossil Record proves creation. (Lee Strobel)
Session 109: The fossil record: proof of Noah's flood... or evolution?
Session 110: How do dinosaurs fit into the Bible?
Session 111: Tiktaalik trouble
Session 112: In what ways does the fossil record create problems for Darwinian Evolution? (Stephen Meyer)
Genetics and Human History
Session 113: Mitochondrial Eve and the three 'daughters' of Noah (Dr. Rob Carter)
Session 114: Origins: Adam and Eve Genetics
Session 115: Human Genetics confirms the Bible
Session 116: Where do the races come from?
Session 117: What is Genetic Entropy? (One Minute Apologist)
Session 118: Genetic Entropy: Evolutions Achilles Heal
Session 119: Genetic Entropy: Why you should believe in Creation and not Evolution
Session 120: Genetics show that the Bible's record is true: Jews and Arabs descend from Abraham.
Session 121: The Bible Knows Best: Don't Marry your Kin
Session 122: Races and Human Populations
Age of the Earth
Session 123: Six-Day Creation (John MacArthur)
Session 124: How old is the universe? (Frank Turek)
Session 125: Intelligent Design and the Age of the Earth (Stephen Meyer)
Session 126: Do you accept evolution or an old earth view? (John Piper)
Session 127: How can young and old earth creationists work together?
Session 128: New genetic discovery supports a recent creation and the Bible.
Session 129: The problem with Old-Earth theology (Al Mohler)
Age of the Earth and Dating Methods
Session 130: Carbon Dating: 100% Accurate? Not!
Session 131: Radiometric Dating and the Biblical Timeline
Session 132: Scientific Evidence for a young earth
Appendix 2: Science & the Bible
Appendix 2.1: Science & the Bible Introduction
Appendix 2.2: Evolution: Is Macroevolution Consistent with the Evidence?
Appendix 2.3: Intelligent Design: Is Intelligent Design Consistent with the Evidence?
Appendix 2.4: The Flood Part 1: An Historical Event?
Appendix 2.5: The Flood Part 2: Is the Fossil Record Consistent with the Flood?
Appendix 2.6: Genetics and Human History Part 1
Appendix 2.7: Genetics and Human History Part 2
Appendix 2.8: Age of the Earth
Appendix 2.9: Age of the Earth and Dating Methods
Appendix 2.10: More Resources for Further Study
The Christian worldview is a very intellectually satisfying worldview. Christians are convinced that it is the most intellectually satisfying worldview. Christians are also convinced that if these things are true (Jesus is God and the Bible is God’s Word), then real life is found in knowing God and seeking Him with passion and commitment. The Christian faith, then, is not just an intellectual agreement with facts; it is a complete surrender to a God who loves us and gave himself for us. It is the intellectual and volitional trust in the reality that God truly does love me.
Session 67: Do you believe it? Prove it! (with Francis Chan)
Cults and other religions are false.
In these session we briefly discuss other major cults and world religions, showing that they are false.
Session 68: What makes Christianity different from other religions?
Session 69: What about Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Jewish people? (John Piper)
Session 70: How do you talk with someone of anther faith? (Sean McDowell)
Session 71: What is a four-point case for Christianity? (Frank Turek on One Minute Apologist)
Session 72: What do Hindus believe? (One Minute Apologist)
Session 73: How does Buddhism differ from Christianity? (One Minute Apologist)
Session 74: What are the main beliefs of Islam? (One Minute Apologist)
Session 75: How to witness to a Jew. (One Minute Apologist)
Session 76: Are Jehovah’s Witnesses a cult? & Francis Chan meets some Jehovah's Witnesses.
Session 77: Are Mormons Christians? (One Minute Apologist) & Francis Chan and the Mormons
Session 78: The Scary History of Mormonism (Wretched)
Science and the Bible
Many people believe that science and the Bible contradict each other such that you can't rationally believe in both. There are many experts in various scientific fields, however, who are convinced otherwise. In these sessions we will look at scientific evidence that support the Biblical worldview.
Science and the Bible: Introduction
Session 79: Science and the Bible Intro (William Lane Craig)
Session 80: Science is anti-God? (Cross Examined)
Session 81: Top Christian scientist on science and faith (Veritas Forum)
Session 82: Has science made God obsolete?
Session 83: The New Atheists are not intellectually bright (William Lane Craig)
Evolution: is macroevolution consistent with the evidence?
Session 84: Did you know that a growing number of scientists doubt the Darwinian theory of evolution?
Session 85: Two irrefutable scientific facts that make evolution unscientific.
Session 86: Is evolution a viable option? (One Minute Apologist)
Session 87: Why would Richard Dawkins say that aliens created life?
Session 88: Does modern research support evolution? (One Minute Apologist)
Session 89: What was Darwin's doubt?
Session 90: Is Richard Dawkins really stumped?
Intelligent Design: Is Intelligent Design consistent with the evidence?
Session 91: The most Googled questions about the universe. (Stephen Meyer)
Session 92: What is Intelligent design? (Stephen Meyer)
Session 93: The problem with the origin of life. (Stephen Meyer)
Session 94: The most powerful argument for Intelligent Design: DNA (Stephen Meyer)
Session 95: The probability of a single protein forming by chance.
Session 96: If explanations for the origin of life have failed: what is left? (Stephen Meyer)
Session 97: Your body's molecular machines.
Session 98: Amazing Flagellum: Michael Behe and the revolution of Intelligent Design.
Session 99: Why does the complexity of DNA point to Intelligent Design?
Session 100: It is easier to falsify Intelligent Design than Darwinian Evolution (Michael Behe)
Session 101: What is the origin of digital information found in DNA? (Stephen Meyer)
Session 102: Is Intelligent Design a testable theory? (Stephen Meyer)
Session 103: The surprising limits of natural selection.
Session 104: Defining Irreducible Complexity (FrankTurek)
The Flood Part 1: An Historical Event
Session 105: Debunked: All those animals couldn't fit.
Session 106: Noah's flood and catastrophic plate tectonics.
The Flood Part 2: Is the Fossil Record Consistent with the Flood?
Session 107: Fossils and the Flood.
Session 108: The Fossil Record proves creation. (Lee Strobel)
Session 109: The fossil record: proof of Noah's flood... or evolution?
Session 110: How do dinosaurs fit into the Bible?
Session 111: Tiktaalik trouble
Session 112: In what ways does the fossil record create problems for Darwinian Evolution? (Stephen Meyer)
Genetics and Human History
Session 113: Mitochondrial Eve and the three 'daughters' of Noah (Dr. Rob Carter)
Session 114: Origins: Adam and Eve Genetics
Session 115: Human Genetics confirms the Bible
Session 116: Where do the races come from?
Session 117: What is Genetic Entropy? (One Minute Apologist)
Session 118: Genetic Entropy: Evolutions Achilles Heal
Session 119: Genetic Entropy: Why you should believe in Creation and not Evolution
Session 120: Genetics show that the Bible's record is true: Jews and Arabs descend from Abraham.
Session 121: The Bible Knows Best: Don't Marry your Kin
Session 122: Races and Human Populations
Age of the Earth
Session 123: Six-Day Creation (John MacArthur)
Session 124: How old is the universe? (Frank Turek)
Session 125: Intelligent Design and the Age of the Earth (Stephen Meyer)
Session 126: Do you accept evolution or an old earth view? (John Piper)
Session 127: How can young and old earth creationists work together?
Session 128: New genetic discovery supports a recent creation and the Bible.
Session 129: The problem with Old-Earth theology (Al Mohler)
Age of the Earth and Dating Methods
Session 130: Carbon Dating: 100% Accurate? Not!
Session 131: Radiometric Dating and the Biblical Timeline
Session 132: Scientific Evidence for a young earth
Appendix 2: Science & the Bible
Appendix 2.1: Science & the Bible Introduction
Appendix 2.2: Evolution: Is Macroevolution Consistent with the Evidence?
Appendix 2.3: Intelligent Design: Is Intelligent Design Consistent with the Evidence?
Appendix 2.4: The Flood Part 1: An Historical Event?
Appendix 2.5: The Flood Part 2: Is the Fossil Record Consistent with the Flood?
Appendix 2.6: Genetics and Human History Part 1
Appendix 2.7: Genetics and Human History Part 2
Appendix 2.8: Age of the Earth
Appendix 2.9: Age of the Earth and Dating Methods
Appendix 2.10: More Resources for Further Study