Is Being a Christian Intellectually Reasonable?
Summary Answer:
Yes! Being a Christian is intellectually reasonable. In fact, the Christian worldview is more intellectually reasonable than atheism or any other worldview.
"While religion certainly requires faith, religion is not only about faith. Facts are also central to all religions because all religious worldview - including atheism - make truth claims, and many of those truth claims can be evaluated through scientific and historical investigation." -Geisler and Turek, I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist (page 23)
Discussion Questions
- Would you agree that historical and scientific facts are relevant to religious faith? Explain.
- What is 'faith'? How would you define it?
- Would you agree that every worldview requires faith? Explain.
Discussion Questions
- What is the different between ‘possible doubt’ and ‘reasonable doubt’? Why is this important when considering religious truth?
- “You don’t know anything beyond possible doubt.” Do you agree? Explain.
- “I won’t believe in Christianity unless all of my questions are answered.” Is this a good approach? Explain.
Closing Questions
- What stood out to you most from this session/discussion?
- Closing thoughts/comments?