Science & the Bible
Appendix 2.2
Evolution: Is Macroevolution Consistent with the Evidence?
“if someone ever asks you, “Do you believe in evolution?” you should ask that person, “What do you mean by evolution? Do you mean micro- or macroevolution?” Microevolution has been observed; but it cannot be used as evidence for macroevolution, which has never been observed.”
― Norman L. Geisler, I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist
― Norman L. Geisler, I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist
“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.” -A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism
Discussion Questions
- What is your take-away from this short video?
Discussion Questions
- Consider the two quotes below from this short video. Do you agree with these quotes? Explain.
- "Life doesn't arise from non-life."
- "There is no known observable process by which new genetic information can be added to an organisms genetic code."
- "Life doesn't arise from non-life."
- Any other thoughts/comments or questions from this short video?
Discussion Questions
- Consider the quotes below from this short video. Questions? Comments? Thoughts?
- "Evolution is theoretically possible (it logically possible that God could have used evolution)."
- "Evolution is scientifically improbable (the evidence is against it)."
- "Evolution is scripturally untenable (denies the historicity of Genesis and undermines key doctrines."
- "Evolution (macro evolution) is incompatible with Biblical Christianity."
- Any other thoughts/comments or questions from this short video?
Discussion Questions
- Consider the quotes below from this short video. Questions? Comments? Thoughts?
- "Nobody knows how it started.... we know what kind of event.... the origin of the first self-replicating molecule."
- Dawkins is asked: Is Intelligent Design the possible answer? Dawkins replies: "Higher intellect from elsewhere in the universe that evolved from Darwinian means seeded life on this planet... that is an intriguing possibility."
- "The genetic code for even the simplest of life forms is thousands of volumes long." -Frank Turek
- Any other thoughts/comments or questions from this short video?
Discussion Questions
- Consider the quotes below from this short video. Questions? Comments? Thoughts?
- "In the last 15 years there is one scientific discovery after another that has eroded evolution."
- "All of the major developments in science are pointing away from evolution."
- Why are we not seeing this in the news media and the textbooks?
- Any other thoughts/comments or questions from this short video?
Discussion Questions
- Consider the quotes below from this short video. Questions? Comments? Thoughts?
- "Darwin doubted his theory because most of the major animal body plans appeared out of nowhere in the fossil record. Looks more like creation than evolution. Time has hurt his theory, not helped it."
- "If our mind is the result of blind natural processes, why should we believe our minds?"
- Any other thoughts/comments or questions from this short video?
Closing Question
- What meant most to you personally from this session/discussion?