Internal Consistency
Discussion Questions
- What is the point of this short video about apparent contradictions?
- What does it mean to 'harmonize' Scripture? Is this good or bad?
- What do we do if there is no easy answer to an apparent contradiction in the Bible?
- What stands out to you most from this video? Explain.
Discussion Questions
- He says in this video that a contradiction is not a bad thing. What does he mean? What are some of the Scriptural examples he uses?
- He suggests that there are multiple authors at the human level, and one author at the divine level. Why is this significant?
- Anything else stand out to you from this video?
- What is your one take-away from this video?
The Bible was written over a period of 1400 years, in 3 languages (Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic), by 40 authors, on 3 continents.
"The Bible is a marvelous unified whole. There are no contradictions or inconsistencies within its pages... it quickly becomes apparent that no human being(s) could have orchestrated the harmony of the teachings of the Scripture. The divine authorship of the Bible is the only answer." -Paul Enns, The Moody Handbook of Theology, Moody Press, Chicago, page 155)
In his article "Are There Any Errors in the Bible," Norman Geisler discusses the following categories. If you'd like to ready the article, you can find it here.
Discussion Questions:
Discussion Questions:
- Which of these categories stands out to you personally? Explain.
- Are there any that you don't understand or would like to discuss as a group? Take some time as a group to discuss.
Categories of problems with the Bible from Norman Geisler
- Assuming the unexplained is unexplainable.
- Assuming the Bible is guilty of error unless it is proven innocent.
- Confusing our fallible interpretations with God's infallible revelation.
- Failure to understand the context.
- Failure to interpret the difficult by the clear.
- Forgetting the Bible's human characteristics.
- Assuming a partial report is a false report.
- Assuming the new Testament citations of the Old Testament must be verbatim.
- Assuming divergent accounts are false.
- Presuming that the Bible approves of all that it records.
- Forgetting that the Bible is nontechnical.
- Assuming round numbers are false.
- Neglecting to note literary devices.
- Forgetting that only the original text is inerrant.
- Confusing general with universal statements.
- Forgetting that later revelation supersedes earlier ones.
Discussion Questions
- "If you decide that Jesus is who he said he is...." What is Keller's point?
- What is your take-away from this video?
Discussion Questions
- What would you say to someone who says to you, "The Bible is full of contradictions!"?
- What is your take-away from this video?
Discussion Questions
- What is his point with bats and birds?
- What is his point with 'perspective'?
- What is his point with literal vs. figurative?
- Why is context so important?
- What is your take-away from this video?
Closing Questions
- What stood out to you most from this session/discussion?
- Closing thoughts/comments?